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From Thinking My Daughter Would be Better Off Without Me To Becoming The Man And Dad She Needed

From Thinking My Daughter Would be Better Off Without Me To Becoming The Man And Dad She Needed

Maybe she would be better off without me? Maybe she would be better off with someone else? Maybe she would be better off if I wasn't around and couldn't hurt her anymore? These are questions I asked myself as I hit rock bottom, ready to give up after trying "EVERYTHING" to overcome anger and be the best man and dad I could be. I'm glad I didn't give up. I'm glad I drew my line in the sand, burning the bridges and boats, and declared "I would overcome anger or die trying!" And I did just that! Watch the video and go on this journey with me as I share this part of my story. If you are ready to break the generational cycles of anger and become the best man and dad you can be, then comment, or send me a message with "Let's Go!" Let's see how The Laughing Through Experience can help you heal with ease, flow, and fun, and welcome you back home to who you truly are. Becoming the man and dad you want. REiGNITING the fire within and rising in your passion, power, and purpose. Creating the peace and fulfillment you've been seeking outside of you. Have fun creating a life that lights you up! Consciously build the relationships you desire. If you are tired and exhausted from fighting the raging war within alone. If you are tired of showing up as the man and dad you currently are being. If you are feeling unworthy of being at peace within If you are tired of feeling "stuck" having tried "everything" to overcome. If you are tired of feeling undeserving because the guilt and shame is lying to you. If any of this damn video resonated with you. Comment, or shoot me a message. "LET'S GO!" Talk soon! Tony -------------------------------------- Music: Otis McDonald - Joe Bagale Support by RFM - NCM:
Healing anger and creating inner peace

Healing anger and creating inner peace

Healing anger and creating inner peace. Men, do you struggle with anger and the guilt and shame that is associated with anger? Do you struggle with feeling lost and/or stuck? Like you want to be more, yet it feels like it's just out of your reach. Or maybe you are unsure of who you are? Tony shares his story on his struggle with anger and how he succeeded in healing anger to become the best man and dad he could be. He drew his line in the sand and declared he "would become the best man and dad he could possibly be, or die trying!" Are you ready to draw your line in the sand? Are you ready to declare you will become the best man, dad, partner, you can possibly be or die trying? Watch as Tony shares and inspires that you, too, can achieve your desire. What resonated with you? What part inspired you the most? Share in the comments below. 👇👇👇 When you're ready to heal your anger and create inner peace so you can wake up every morning PROUD of the man looking back at you in the mirror, book a FREE "Transcending Anger" Coaching session. * You will get a breakthrough on one thing that has been holding you back. * You will see just how easy, fun, and light it can be to heal and REiGNITE that fire within, connecting to that deeper passion, power, purpose, and playfulness deep within. * Walk away with some tangible next steps to move forward. It's time brother, and I can help you get there. -------------------------------------- Music: Otis McDonald - Joe Bagale Support by RFM - NCM:
The "Guilt Trap" Of Being Fully Seen

The "Guilt Trap" Of Being Fully Seen

The Guilt Trap of Being Fully Seen! The guilt trap of being fully seen can show up in many different ways. I am going to share a personal story to emphasize ONE way it can show up. When I began my spiritual healing journey, I meditated, I dove deep into the shadow work, I journaled. All the things. Constantly finding the next thing to heal. Friends called me a “spiritual hustler.” 🤣🤣 I owned that title! I was chasing modality after modality, in an attempt to be fully healed. When I was fully healed, then I can do my magic, be myself, and all the things. If I was healed enough, then I would be good enough…In all areas of my life. The problem….that “healed enough” never came. Watch as Tony goes deeper into the story and shares what to do to break free from the guilt trap. Ready to break free from the "guilt trap," ditch the grind, and create more, ease, flow, and fun with less effort so you can wake up excited and create a life that lights you up? Want to do the healing work, but don't want to do it the traditional dark, heavy, and hard way? Come and immerse yourself in The Laughing Through Life Experience where healing can be fun and much lighter. Book a FREE coaching call with me and learn that healing doesn't have to be so damn hard! We'll show you how fun and easy healing can be! Guilt is stopping you from having the life you want. FREEDOM is on the other side of healing. ----------- Music: Otis McDonald - Joe Bagale Support by RFM - NCM:
Why Laughing More Isn't Enough To Create The Life & Business That Light's You Up!

Why Laughing More Isn't Enough To Create The Life & Business That Light's You Up!

It has been a hot minute since I have done a long form video. It's been a minute since I've done a video period! LOL This video isn't my normal video. I wasn't even going to post this video. I usually record in landscape and have a shirt on. This one I recorded as if I'm recording a short. This video was a result of just speaking what I was feeling in the moment. I was just coming out of some deep shadow work and was integrating. I felt "off" as my body was adjusting to the release and shift in energy. I went in nature to ground and connect and to move to integrate a little more smoothly. So, I just turned the camera on and started talking. I thought it was clunky, not very polished as I spoke, and was all over the place. My ear buds were wanting to fall out so I was constantly trying to adjust them damn things! LOL!! At one point I accidentally stopped recording but kept talking unaware that the recording stopped. I was just planning to record for a minute or two. 27 minutes later and here we are! I was going to keep this video for me, and maybe take some ideas from it for content later. But when I went back and watched it for those ideas, I realized I was dropping some pretty powerful nuggets. I was like "Oh damn, I have to share this now." Screw it not being "perfect," polished, and me acting like I'm put together. Laughing Through Life isn't about being perfect. It's about being REAL and true to yourself. So here is the video. Why "Laughing More" isn't enough to create the life and business that lights you up. Sure, we all can benefit from laughing more, but most of us use laughter as a distraction, rather than the amazing powerful tool it is to harness and create quick shifts. I go deeper into what Laughing Through Life is, and what it is intended to do, and how I use it to help high-achieving entrepreneurs make their own rules and have more fun creating a life that lights them up. Laughing Through Life is more than laughing more, but it does lead to it. Enjoy! I'd love to hear from you...What resonated with you the most? ------------------------------------ Join the infamous Facebook Community The Laughing Through Life Project Book a call and learn more about The Laughing Through Life Project Group Program ------------------------------------ Music by Atch Stream: Free Download:
Stop Doing The Inner Work...Do This Instead

Stop Doing The Inner Work...Do This Instead

Stop doing the inner work and do this instead. Ya, ya, ya, I know this may turns some heads and trigger some people...And to that I say GOOOOD! LOL! I had this awareness lately. My guides have been telling me this for two years now...I can be a little stubborn, but I finally got it! I was constantly doing the inner work. Over, and over, and over....Finding something to work through. Using modality after modality to heal. I see this A LOT in the spiritual community. This constant need for healing to step into their highest version. Here is what I also see...Many people who are stuck and frustrated, wondering why they are not further ahead. I realized that I was constantly doing the inner work. The unconscious belief UNDERNEATH is what is shocking. I believe this unconscious saboteur is what is tripping most people up, especially Light Workers and Healers. Doing the inner work to be completely healed. Trying to kill the ego. Trying to become confident and not have any insecurities. Doing the work to FINALLY be confident enough. Doing the work to FINALLY be good enough... Worthy enough... Lovable enough... Deserving enough... Once you are completely healed, THEN you can show up in your life and relationships. THEN you can have all those things. This is what I unconsciously believed, and I see so many struggle with this exact thing. So....STOP DOING THE INNER WORK... If you want to build UNSHAKABLE confidence, you have to take IMPERFECT ACTION, toward who you want to become...toward the life you want to create. As you take action, you face the insecurities, the doubts, the worries, the fears...All this sh*t that lay unconsciously within. As you face all these things, you become the very thing you are moving toward. You become more confident. That's how it is intended...You HEAL by MOVING FORWARD!!! So, stop doing the inner work. Show up, as you are, perfectly imperfect. Accept all the insecurities and fears. FEEL them. And move forward. You will RECLAIM your power....REiGINITE your inner fire...and show up with UNSHAKABLE confidence! Watch the video as I go deeper into this message and my own story. What came up for you? Did it give you a gut punch? Did you feel relieved because this was the message you NEEDED to hear? I'd love to hear. Leave a comment below. When you're ready to REiGNITE Your Inner Fire, Reclaim your power, and show up with UNSHAKABLE Confidence, there are three ways I can help you... 1. Join my NEW REiGNITE Your Inner Fire FB Community. I dive deeper into the method to showing up more powerfully in your life and relationships. 2. Join one of my monthly REiGNITE workshops. (The video says to click on link to be put on waitlist....That isn't complete yet, so just sent me an email to with the keyword "Reignite" and I will add you to the waitlist. 3. Book a REiGNITE Discovery Call to get a game plan to move forward, plus learn more about what it would be like to work together to help you achieve the life and relationship you desire FASTER! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music: Otis McDonald - Joe Bagale Support by RFM - NCM:
Have To Be Completely Healed To Feel Good Enough

Have To Be Completely Healed To Feel Good Enough

Have to be completely healed to feel "good enough." This has been a multi-layered unconscious belief for me. It's the reason I got addicted to healing. It's the reason why I stayed in this perpetual healing cycle. It's the reason I kept bringing up shit I was working through to my partner, thinking I was just being vulnerable. I was ALWAYS finding something to work through. (You know how frustrating that is for the people around me and to myself??) ALWAYS trying to figure out "what was wrong with me." Constantly trying to get rid of my ego, or shadow. Thinking I had to clear all my insecurities...I couldn't feel insecure at all. (having insecurities is weak, and my partner will think im weak too.) Creating this invisible goal line that I would constantly move as I got closer to it. I made it impossible to be completely healed and feel "good enough!" "I will allow myself to have a healthy relationship when i'm completely healed." "I will allow myself to show up, share my experience, wisdom, and gifts, when i'm completely healed." "When i'm completely healed, THEN, I will be deserving enough! THEN, I will be good enough." But, it was never good enough. I would always find something to heal. I stayed in the Dark Knight Of The Soul, and in the shadow. Although it wasn't serving me, It felt familiar in the chaos. Because having the healthy relationship was scary. Having the life I wanted was scary! Having inner freedom and peace all the time, felt so f*cking foreign to me! But, I don't want that anymore...I was making life hard. I was making my relationships hard. These are already challenging, but they don't have to be hard. It's exhausting and draining to live in this never ending perpetual loop. My guides reminding many, many, MANY f*cking times that it was time to step out of the shadow and heal by moving forward. The Divine Feminine was like "listen f*cker, i'm tired of constantly trying to hold space for you which is the Divine Masculine's job. I'm tired of giving you ideas and not moving forward." It's time to take action, and lead like you are intended to. Then, part of a coaching challenge, it hit me. I felt it deep...raw. I made the decision to take FINALLY take aligned, imperfect action. To FINALLY heal as I move forward. Facing the fears, the doubts, the worries, as I took each step. I did the work before thinking I had to heal to feel more confident and powerful. What i'm learning, it's getting on the stage, doing the thing, where you face all the sh*t, and move forward, where the confidence is built. Having the hard conversations. Taking action in spite of the fear. Showing up in your relationships. In spite of the gut wrenching fear, thoughts, knots in your stomach, wanting to run and vomit. This is how you build deeper connections in your relationships and life. You don't have to have it all figure out. Just f*cking start. Communicate along the way. Move through the sh*t. Grow. REPEAT, over and over and over. YOU ARE ALREADY GOOD ENOUGH!! Does this one hit you deep? Do you feel it within your Soul? What came up for you? Let me know in the comments below. Aaaaaaaaand...... If you are ready to go to the next level and and Re-ignite the 4 Pillars of Power: Passion, Purpose, Playfulness and Power to create a deeper connection in your relationships and life, there are a few ways we can work together. 1. Subscribe to my channel here for weekly content and stories to help guide you on your journey. 2. Join one of my FREE Reignite Workshops 3. Learn more about and join the Conscious Connection Challenge 4. Learn more about the Reignite Program & Masterminds 5. Grab your FREE EBook on 20 Fun Date Ideas To Connect Deeper With Your Partner 6. Grab your Relationship Block Intuitive Healing Meditation 7. Book a personal guided intuitive energy healing & reading session -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music: Otis McDonald - Joe Bagale Support by RFM - NCM:
The Need For Being Perfect

The Need For Being Perfect

This week's message is all about the need for being perfect. Uggh, this has been a huge awareness for me. I mean, it's not foreign to me, but it goes deeper, and deeper, and deeper. The need to be perfect in my Intuitive guided energy healing meditations & readings. The need to be perfect in my relationships (I cant f*ck it up.) The need to be perfect as dad. The need to be perfect in my videos The need to be perfect and have it all figured out before showing up in my business. The need to be perfect in my healing. The need to be perfect in how I show up. The need to be perfect in EVERY F*CKING THING!! Its exhausting and unsustainable. Oh, and unnecessary. The need to be perfect.....translates to I don't feel good enough, or deserving enough. I have to be perfect in order to be enough. Otherwise, I will lose everything. My partner, money, business, friends, things. Afraid of Rejection. Because of this underlying belief, we tend to stall, stiff arm our dreams...the healthy relationships, the business, the life. Or otherwise "sabotage" it. We manifest the reality happening (the one we dont want) to fulfill the "see I told you that you weren't good enough!!) We create this barrier between what we want to manifest and our current beliefs and reality. I'm tired of being perfect. It's emotional and just f*cking stupid. I want to be me, light and dark, self and shadow, "good" and 'bad." All of me. Embrace it all. Showing grace as I continuously work toward becoming a better version of me. And you can accept all of me and grow with me, or you can move on!! We're already good enough. We have nothing to prove. We can show up imperfectly. In our relationships, life, businesses. Trying to be perfect to feel good enough is never ending, cuz we keep raising the bar. Let's allow ourselves to Just BE, and laugh at the moments when we fall down and the old stories creep up. And then move forward again, and again, and again. Watch the video as I go deeper into my story and the message Now it's your turn....What came up for you? Do you see the patterns of trying to be perfect in your life? What Aha moments came up for you? I'd love to hear. Leave a comment below! Aaaaaaaaand...... If you are ready to go to the next level and and Re-ignite the 4 Pillars of Power: Passion, Purpose, Playfulness and Power to create a deeper connection in your relationships and life, there are a few ways we can work together. 1. Subscribe to my channel here for weekly content and stories to help guide you on your journey. 2. Join one of my FREE Reignite Workshops 3. Learn more about and join the Conscious Connection Challenge 4. Learn more about the Reignite Program & Masterminds 5. Grab your FREE EBook on 20 Fun Date Ideas To Connect Deeper With Your Partner 6. Grab your Relationship Block Intuitive Healing Meditation 7. Book a personal guided intuitive energy healing & reading session -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music: Otis McDonald - Joe Bagale Support by RFM - NCM:
The Contradiction Between Being YOU and Receiving Love

The Contradiction Between Being YOU and Receiving Love

The contradiction between being YOU and receiving love. I have seen this within myself and it has been shining bright AF as I continue taking imperfect action toward who I want to become, and what I want to create. I want to be myself AND I want to receive love, especially in a relationship. However, I seem to hit some heavy resistance. I am beginning to see this in the people I work with as well....I attract and work with many who are creating their own identity after years of having their identities outside of them. (It's more remembering who we are than it is creating a new identity.) This has been true for me. And really, I am in a "figuring myself out" phase now, going deeper into understanding who I am, why i'm here, why I have been doing the things I do, etc. It has been confusing and scary at times. Going into a semi seclusion to remove distractions so I can really begin connecting deeper (I, of course, wasn't aware this was happening.) Anyway, so back to the resistance. What the hell is creating the resistance? I mean, I want to be myself, so it should just happen, right?? LOL! Here is what came up for me as to WHY I was facing resistance, why there was a struggle (which btw, are signs that we have a deeper block to what we want.) I equated being myself to losing love. Which is true of most people who abandon themselves to and take on identities outside of them. I couldn't be myself in relationships (not fully anyway,) or I'd lose love. I couldn't be myself in my business, or I'd lose love (get rejected.) I couldn't be myself around my friends, or I'd lose love. I couldnt be myself around family, or i'd lose love. I would show parts of myself, but not all of me in most cases, or I wasn't consistent at fully being myself. So when I am doing the work, taking the action, to become myself more, those old f*cking patterns are coming up. They are familiar and trying to keep me "safe." Woooah Tony, don't do that. Remember as a kid when you were being yourself and you got rejected? Remember how your mom and dad stopped showing you love and meeting your basic needs? You can NOT be yourself and receive love bruh! This awareness is allowing me to feel into those old stories, reframe the belief, and move forward. Does it mean i'm healed and I'll never deal with this issue again! MAAAAAN, I f*cking wish!! HaHa!! Nah, it just means I become stronger and move through it faster. Watch the video as I go deeper into my story and the message. Now it's your turn....What came up for you? Did this message resonate with you? What Aha moments came up for you? I'd love to hear. Leave a comment below! Aaaaaaaaand...... If you are ready to go to the next level and and Re-ignite the 4 Pillars of Power: Passion, Purpose, Playfulness and Power to create a deeper connection in your relationships and life, there are a few ways we can work together. 1. Subscribe to my channel here for weekly content and stories to help guide you on your journey. 2. Join one of my FREE Reignite Workshops 3. Learn more about and join the Conscious Connection Challenge 4. Learn more about the Reignite Program & Masterminds 5. Grab your FREE EBook on 20 Fun Date Ideas To Connect Deeper With Your Partner 6. Grab your Relationship Block Intuitive Healing Meditation 7. Book a personal guided intuitive energy healing & reading session -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music: Otis McDonald - Joe Bagale Support by RFM - NCM:


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